From the Managing Director`s Desk

  What we do

Building Real-World Learning

K-8 Teachers & Students

SJI works with elementary and middle schools to develop foundational skills through hands-on, challenge-based and project-based learning.

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Career Skills

K-8 Teachers & Students

SJI helps Middle schools build career pathway programs supported by local partners and aligned with Career counselling & Technical Education standards to ensure Student have options.

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Professional Learning Groups

K-8 Teachers & Students

Cohorts of educators and leaders from schools meet regularly to promote innovation and drive continuous improvement for their students.

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Elementary root level Programme

K-8 Teachers & Students

The groundbreaking research and work done by SJI School students, alumni, and faculty are defined by precise methodology, deep exploration, human-inspired problem solving, and the creation of new knowledge, forms, and models. Here, we don't just expand conventional boundaries; we redraw them. We develop innovative ideas and solutions that are consistent with our progressive mission and vision. We invite you to explore the breadth of our research and work, fueled by critically relevant discovery, rigorous scholarship, and purposeful creativity.

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Managing Director's Message

Building a ladder to the stars…
From a tiny in-house expat project in 2017, SJI has grown into an unbelievably vibrant and successful academic institution that manages to combine cutting edge instruction with an old-world school charm for its growing student body. Never complacent, SJI has always shown exponential growth in every area and today, is proud to be among the good schools in Agra. We are one of those few schools in the Agray that practice a system of inclusive education. Our highly qualified team of Special Educators ensure that children with diverse needs are given individual attention and being given the best of both, specialized instruction and the proverbially precious school years. Here, at SJI, we make all available platforms as fertile as possible in order to enable growing talents to flourish and thrive. SJI will ensure that a child’s interests and talents meet in a manner that is cohesive, constructive and creative. This is an institution where students become a part of a greater family; a place where the collective effort goes into ensuring that students, who come to us seeking an education, leave with a sense of empowerment and a realization of their responsibility, not only towards themselves, but also to the world around them

– Mr. S.B.Samuel
(Managing Director- St. Joseph International School, Agra)
(Manager- St. Joseph & Samuel Educational Society, Agra)

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